Having been around for a minute, having done lots of things, I've noticed that what feels most urgent and relevant is who we are becoming in this moment. It is so vital there in that moment. Everything is at stake and yet nothing is riding on the outcome. Anything is possible but we must be so consciously involved in that potentiality. My joy and hope is that I can express the deepest truths as I understand them in the most accessible way so that your own journey becomes more clear, present and beautiful.
I am currently at work on a third book, a novel, that has intimidated the socks right off me! But I know that when the challenge is very big, the growth opportunity is major as well. So here we go! It is a simple story of the profoundness of life, nature and soul-sisterhood. It is a celebration of place, time and the unseen world. I hope it will take you on a grand tour of your own life and that your spirit will soar into the sacred spaces within where your greatest destiny is waiting to unfurl. Look for release date in 2025.
My second book, Dear Human, accompanies the reader through the labyrinth of life lessons with equal doses of sacred encouragement, clear-eyed reminders and gentle medicine to ease the weary heart and excite the inner spark. Dear Human, inspires us each to become the profoundly beautiful and invincible souls that we are. AUDIOBOOK to be released in Summer, 2024!!
My first book, Divorce: a love story, is an exploration of my experience through conscious uncoupling which illuminates a way forward that champions our greatest struggles as opportunities for our deepest growth.
My podcast, Alive & Kicking: stories of waking up, reveals the extraordinary spiritual journeys of ordinary people who bathe the darkest corners with the sweetest light. It is available everywhere podcasts are found and on my YouTube channel. NEW! Check out my FB Live Panel Chats where I talk with some incredibly wise people about the pressing issues of our inner and outer path.